Monday, November 4, 2013

Picnic in the Rain PART 3

I couldn't resist putting the third part up today! lol Soooo... here it is! and you don't have to wait :D

Here are the potatoes, right before I put them to boiling :) I purposely left some skin on :D Mom said it would be more 'rustic' that way! LOL and I like the skins anyhow :)

Freshly mashed potatoes :) Yummy! They were nice and warm at this point :( not so at the picnic unfortunately.

And now for the pride of my heart! LOL the Lemon Meringue pie! LOTS of pics of this one!

Freshly molded pie crusts :) Soft and oily!

Here's a closeup of the pie crust before it's cooked :)

Here are the baked pie crusts, and the pie filling, not yet boiled :)

Here's the filling almost finished :) for a while I was scared that my little bro had ruined it! lol but it came out beautiful!

An early pic of beating the egg whites :)

Looking fluffy a bit?

OOOO! Look! a little mound in the middle? YES!

OOOH! the peaks are standing now!!!

Here is the pie with the filling poured in, and the meringue spread on top :)

Here is the meringue formed into peaks! :D

This is me making the peaks! :D

About to go in!

Fresh out of the oven! Look at that beautiful gold colouring! :D

Here they both are! :D the one on the right is a little 'too golden' but it tasted good! :D

There you have it! I did it in three parts just like Theresa did! :D




  1. How neat! I didn't even notice, were they cold at the picnic? I thought they tasted very tasty :).

    1. Awww thanks! :) yeah, my mom said they should be room temp anyhow :) so that went good. :D What were you doing on at 6 AM?! I wasn't even up! LOL

    2. I loved both your mashed potatoes and Lemon Meringue pie!!! PLEASE please send your recipe!!!?? Mom and I have been drooling over it since. lol :D

    3. Oh thanks, Bascha! :) I'm glad to hear you liked it! I used the "Taste of Home" Lemon meringue pie receipt. It doesn't give you the crust directions, so you'll have to use one you already have. :) By the way, my mom and I still want your rosemary cookie receipt and your tea, too! :)


