For sure this time!!! WOOPEEEE!!!!!!!! HURRAY (that's an English phrase btw so call me tory if you want :D) I have just received in the mail... for my sixteenth birthday, supplies from Theresa and Bascha and Caroline and Ann Marie, for making all the rev war undergarments I will need for the Homeschool Historical Ball in Charlotte next April! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!
stuffing for bum rolls.. THE PATTERN FOR THE STAYS
Linen for bum rolls and look at that beautiful blue for my stays! :D
And two sweet cards they sent! They brought tears into my mom's eyes... literally! You girls are so wonderful! I LOVE YOU!
This is so awesome because... I got everything I need for the underthings for free! :D You girls are soooo sweet! I am soo blessed to know you! I love all four of you! (HUGS)
So, readers, you will be having some posts soon (hopefully haha) I shall watch epic movies (Anne of Green Gables probably) and sew away :D